Natural Animals

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Body Language When A Cat Self-Selects Essential Oils


These photos from a feline session won't tell the whole story, but are just to illustrate a few of the body-language indicators that might be seen when offering a cat essential oils to inhale**

Animals' body positions during a session are not random or accidental, they will alter their position very deliberately, to get closer to (or further away from) one or more of the extracts that they have already selected. 

It's very important that they have already selected them, otherwise being surrounded with loads of aromatics could be overwhelming, and cats in particular are likely to (sensibly) walk away immediately to avoid inhaling medicinal plant compounds that they don't need.  

**please NEVER apply essential oils topically to cats

"Processing" - give your cat space

 Animals often need to spend 5-10 minutes processing the affects of inhaling an essential oil, and they MUST be given the space and privacy to do so.   They may turn their backs to you (as shown below), move several feet away from you or find a hidden spot to settle down in to "process".    Don't worry, they will come back, indicating re-engagement, when they are ready.

  Which Essential Oil is the Cat's Nose Pointing To?

Essential Oils Can Really Help Anxious Cats Relax Deeply

Supporting A Frightened Cat With Essential Oils

I hope you have found the above photos interesting, I have promised myself I'm going to blog more often, so hopefully soon there will be much more information up here, answering some of the questions you may now have, such as "but why Linden Blossom?", or "but how did the session actually start / end?"

Please feel free to post any questions below,  it may help shape my future blogging topics!