Calmer Creatures is now called Natural Animals!

Natural Animals - supporting herbal health for all kinds of animal wellness!

I’m very VERY excited to announce the rebranding/ renaming of my company!   Calmer Creatures is now called *drumroll* … “ Natural Animals ”

I do love the name Calmer Creatures, and many of you over the years have very kindly said how perfect it is for a lot of the work I do.   I agree (thank you!) so I am keeping it as the strapline...

But … I can finally name my company what I really wanted to call it all along - but the name was unavailable for years, every time I looked!

The reason I’ve always wanted to call my company Natural Animals is because it more accurately describes the different aspects of my work, not just the behavioural side - it’s not only helpful for anxious or scared animals.

A Preventative Approach to Natural Health For Your Cat, Dog, Horse or other Animal

Calendula petals - not an obvious thing to offer an obligate carnivore (unless it has skin or tummy issues.The important thing is the cat always had access to its usual food too, it must always be able to CHOOSE, otherwise it's not "self-selection"

Calendula petals - not an obvious thing to offer an obligate carnivore (unless it has skin or tummy issues.

The important thing is the cat always had access to its usual food too, it must always be able to CHOOSE, otherwise it's not "self-selection"

In fact, there doesn’t have to be any kind of a problem for you to start enabling your animals to self-select.     It can be an incredibly powerful preventative approach to wellness.  

Also of course, it can be hugely helpful for physical problems.  I will always advise you to have your animal seen by a vet first, it is not a substitute for veterinary care.   Even then … it can be enormously beneficial...    

For example, sometimes all tests are clear, but your animal still isn’t thriving for some reason... and it doesn’t speak “human”, so it can’t tell you...

Or sometimes there might be a requirement for long-term pain management, for conditions such as arthritis?   Allowing your animal to self-select natural extracts may reduce the levels of requirement for long-term allopathic medication and the negative side effects that can sometimes occur with long-term use.    And so on, there are many, many other examples.  

"Natural Animals" isn't JUST about Zoopharmacognosy

So “Natural Animals” is the pure, simple name that encompasses the varied beneficial uses of zoopharmacognosy (there it is, that word again!).  

But it’s about more than that, its about animal health in general;  striving to ever-deepen our understanding of what is best for their well-being.

I also hope in time that the website can develop and become a information hub for other approaches to natural animal wellness  - so please get in touch if you would like to be considered for a guest interview in the future, or if there is a particular topic you’d like to see featured.

The logo for my poultry-specific website, coming soon!

The logo for my poultry-specific website, coming soon!

Some of you are well aware of my chicken obsession!  So for the poultry lovers among you I am also in the process of building a new website for a separate company “The Herbal Hen”. 

I will let you know when that’s up and running!   Safe to say with all this going on I’m running around like a headless chicken myself!

Thank you so much for your support over the years and your continued love, kindness and natural-wellness-care for our four-legged and feathered friends everywhere!